Two very excited boys (and one none the wiser) went to bed early on Easter Saturday. Mummy reminded us over and over about how chocolate eggs are NOT what Easter is all about and we sort of believe her but they sure are a nice bonus!

Harry lay dreaming of giant chocolate eggs...

Will lay dreaming of some nut free treats!

and Sam - well he just lay dreaming of getting something that would be ALL his and not taken away by one of his brothers!

Harry woke to find he had some goodies in his basket and a letter of thanks from the Easter Bunny for the present he had left him (a whole ton of boxes labelled red eggs, green, eggs, patterned eggs etc for the Bunny to sort out his stash).

Will was happy to see that nut free chockies do exist.

and Sam...well he wasn't sure what was going on but he was just as happy.

After searching the house plenty more eggs (and beautifully wrapped $1 coins- thanks Nannie and Grandad) were found and they were emptied on to the table to be sorted out equally.

How's this for an Easter grin?

These eggs all look yummy but I'll try the spoon first!

Yep, we are all very happy with the months supply of chocolate we now have.

Harry starts the taste testing off and gives egg number one the thumbs up.

Will agrees.

Sam takes his with a side of hot cross bun and milk.

Nan, Nicole and Auntie Lauren joined us for morning tea and enjoyed some yummy Hot Cross Buns too.
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