We really enjoyed our holiday to Boyd's Bay. Mummy and Daddy weren't sure how us three boys would go sharing a room but it was great! It was Sam's first sleep in a bed and he is now sleeping in a bed at home too.

Harry and Sam on the bunks.

Will pretends he will fall asleep nice and early like his brothers do but we all are not convinced!

Harry (3 minutes later)

Sam (5 minutes later)

Will (2 HOURS later!) He's a nightowl and he gets it from his Auntie Lauren.

All three boys spent lots of time on their bike.

Sam loves his bike...yes we know its pink! He saw it a garage sale and became instantly attached. Now it is his third leg.

Harrison teaches Will to play scrabble one rainy morning. (Notice we say
one morning as we are pretty sure this sudden tolerance for his 3 year old brother is only fleeting).

Sam doing what he does best..making a mess!

The three boys on the way home after lunch at Uncle Roche and Auntie Kita's house.
Just what did that godmother of ours
really put on those turkish rolls?????? Whatever it was Mummy and Daddy wish to order some fast.
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