It was 4.41am Christmas morning and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring...not even a mouse.
But at 4.42 what should we hear?
It certainly wasn't a reindeer...
"Mummy, Daddy; Santa has been!"
Harrison is wide awake and very keen.

The stockings he inspects with a grin on his face... wow Santa must have spent ages at our place!

He runs to the dining room as fast as he's able,
yep, Santa has eaten the food we left on the table!

A quick scan of the letter for his brothers and himself,
with more importnat things to do...he sets it on the shelf.

Harrison races outside to inspect the reindeers bowls of water and food,
yep, it seems for carrots they were definately in the mood!

Being the animal lover that he is Harrison wouldn't forget his pets,
a lovely bowl of hand fed fresh veggies is what Barry gets.

He doesn't forget Snowy...she gets the same,
as you can see they are used to being hand fed and are very tame.

Buddy, Tessa, he calls out with glee,
come and shake hands...
and you'll get a present from me!

With the dogs giving their Christmas bones a good chew,
there's just one very important thing left to do.

Finally at 6.30 Harrison wakes Will (after Mummy agrees),
thank goodness as he was getting weak at the knees!
"It's present time Will, come and see... there's lots for you and Sam and me!"

Soon all we can hear,
is the ripping of paper and a regular cheer!
It's all over fast , Harry's happy at last!
They start to play when to Will's dismay,
Daddy requests a drink...
Will goes behind the bar and what do you think???
Yes...more presents!

A Lightning McQueen scooter for Will,
sure fits the bill.

A Squawking McCaw as real as can be,
is just what Harrison was hoping to see.

A Stride to Ride Lion for Sam is here,
uh oh he thinks...this is a walking hint I fear!

They play and play,
and play and play!

Will's new playstation game is a great way to spend the day!
Well thats round one and it's just begun,
for its time to go to Nanny and Grandad's house for some more fun.
Stay Tuned...