It all started on saturday the 6th of December... Mummy spent all of Friday making my requested "Jungle Cake".

My fmaily came around for a Pizza Party to help me celebrate.

Will needed to make sure he had enough to drink!

We had fun on one of my cool presents...a giant whiteboard.

Here I am with my cake.

Singing Happy Birthday.

Even Sam sang to me!

My cousins Zach and Rose stayed for a sleepover.

Here I am with all of my presents...thanks everybody! I had heaps of fun playing with them and they kept me busy until the day of my "real" birthday.'s the 12th of birthday! I got up early (what's new?) and was very excited. Mummy measured me on my growth chart and I was 121cm tall. Then
I had some presents to open from Mummy, Daddy, Will and Sammy.

I loved what they chose...especially my very own punching bag exactly the same as the ones they have at Karate! I went off to school armed with some cupcakes to share with my friends. They were chocolate with green icing and sprinkles. After school we picked up my friend Mitchell who came home with me to have KFC for dinner and play. He brought me some cool cars that you build. Mummy really wanted to take some pics of us together but Will decided to have an asthma attack at the same time so she was rather distracted!

Even more surprises the next day...
Our friends Chuck, Risa and Andrew sent us this huge package all the way from Florida in the USA. Here is Sam helping me to open it. Inside were lots and lots of goodies for all of us and a Steve Irwin book for me! It even has some really nice pics of Bindi in it which I have been blowing kisses to ever since.
After school My Auntie Clare came all the way from Sydney just to see me and bring me some really cool presents from her and Granny, Uncle Paul and John. (Again Mummy seems to have been too distratced to use the camera!)
WOW! What a birthday!
Now for Christmas...
Hi Harry,
Happy Happy Birthday.
That B'day Cake is really really cool - tell your mum she did a great job.
You got some great presents - I will have to come over for a play in the holidays and check them all out.
See you soon - happy birthday again and merry christmas.
H - how many gifts will Harry get?
A - as many as you will give him
P - preferably more than a couple
P - possibly as many a hundred
Y - yelling at opening each one
B - bouncing up and down with joy
I - incredibly happy
R - remembering to be
T - thankful for each one
H - hoping to get more at Christmas
D - daring to make a long list
A - asking Santa to remember
Y - you've been a very good boy
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