Hi everyone,
As you know we are typical boys, constantly up to mischief and doing lots of new things. This blog will keep you up to date with most of them!
From Harrison, Will and Samuel xxx
Monday, December 10, 2007
ABC Christmas Party
We had great fun at our ABC Christmas Party!
Here are Will and Nannie clapping and singing along with Natty Satty who was a great entertainer. The pretty little girl in pink is Bridie; Will's "girlfriend" They spent most of the night holding hands.
Will and Bridie dancing. As you can see by the sky we were very lucky not to get soaked!
Harrison was allowed a soft drink and consequently we didnt see all that much of him for the rest of the night as he was too busy bouncing off the walls!
Getting our present from Santa and Mrs Claus. A deadly and dangerous animal book for Harry and a Thomas one for Will. Lucky Santa knows us so well.
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