Preparing for Santa to visit is very hard work...

First, we go to Nannie and Grandad's house for some "spoiling".

Next Nannie takes us on board the Forestdale Santa Float.

Then we call out "Merry Christmas" to all the people who come out to wave to us.

After that we have fun watching the Police Car that escorts us and listen to the sirens of the Fire Engine that follows us.

Next we hold on tight as the float comes to a stop and happily receive and devour our bag of Christmas Lollies.

We rush home after that to help Daddy make the "reindeer dust". This consists of oats and glitter mixed together. The reindeer smell the oats from the sky and see the glitter and so are directed straight to our house...we wouldn't want them to miss it!

Next thing to do is to scatter it all around the front yard.

This is followed by brushing it out of Will's hair which is where most of his mixture ended up!

After that we prepare some carrots and a bowl of water for the Reindeer to refresh themsleves whilst Santa uses our special key (we don't have a chimney) to come inside and leave us some presents if we have been good.

The very last important job of the day (right before brushing our teeth and curling up in bed) is to leave out something yummy for Santa. This year we decided to leave him some fruit cake, chocolates and a glass of milk (though Mummy thinks she has heard that he prefers Bundaberg Rum and Choc chip ice cream).
We were so excited we found it hard to get to sleep but eventually we were all dreaming peacefully that we never even heard our special visitor arrive.
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