Every now and then when Daddy has a clean up of the yard he makes a bonfire. We love this and took the opportunity to toast some marshmallows.

Harrison and Will were toasting two at a time.

Even Sam had a go.

Sam liked them (he's a sweet tooth like Mummy)

Buddy was running around (fast as you can tell by the background blur) hoping to be invited to the party.

As was Tessa.

Will fed them most of his so they were quite happy.

Though he saved the last one for himself.

Here's a nice close up of Will's leg so you can see how he decorated it (plus his other leg, tummy and his bedroom wall!)

And of course one of the really fun things is riding back up the hill with Daddy on the tractor afterwards.
1 comment:
Ok... we've got graham crackers and chocolate and we're coming over :) um in about five years? sooner if we don't like the way our presidental election goes!
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