The Australian Cavy Sanctuary (who we foster our guinea pigs for) holds an annual "pignic". It's great - lots of stalls and displays, jumping castle, races and games etc. And of course...lots of guinea pigs! This years pignic as unfortunately held while we were 2 hours south of the event on holidays. Mummy surprised Harry by taking him anyway!

Lots of Piggy lovers setting up.

We took along our three girls... Snowy, Flossy (Flo) and Kozi. Harry decorated their run beautifully.

Alina clipped a lot of piggy nails throughout the day.

Harrison got to cuddle a lot of different guinea pigs.

The guinea pig sack race.

He came 2nd.

Bubble blowing.

ACS mascot - William.

Guinea pig food eating contest.

Harrison the tri-coloured smooth coat guinea pig!
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