Harrison has wanted his own veggie patch for quite a long time. We didnt really have a good place to put one in the previous house but here we do and we gave in at last! I'm proud to say he has maintained the whole thing himself and is out watering it each morning.

Here are Harrison and Daddy planting our original seedlings. We have a good fenced area in behind the spa which is great because the dogs cant trample them and it is also right beside our water tank which we use to water them.

Sam likes to "help".

So does Will though we fail to see how this is helping do anything other than get him very dirty??

He sure enjoyed it though!

In fact, he was rather sulky when we cleaned him up.

But a trip in the back of the ute cheered him up.

Harrison was REALLY worn out after all the planting (we have over 60 plants that include all kinds of gourmet lettuce, asian greens, carrots, corn, tomatoes, cucumbbers, capsicums, beans, spinach, basil, parsley and rockmelon).

Mostly we used seedlings but Harrison also raised some of his own seedlings from seeds and we have now planted these in the garden too.

Haven't they grown!!

One of our Roma tomato plants...if you look closely you will spot Harrisons first tomato...hes very proud!

We have enjoyed eating all the yummy veg so far (as have the guinea pigs!!!)

Even Sam took a hesitant bite of some pak choy.
We let Snowy have a roam in the patch and she thought she was in heaven! She headed straight for the basil and here she is having a nibble.
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